Monthly Archives: September, 2020

Arcemu Dungeon Finder

Arcemu has been a pet project of mine for a long time.

Lately whenever I could find a little time, I’ve been working on implementing a feature that has been missing from Arcemu for a very long time: Dungeon Finder

While it’s far from done, today I enabled the periodic automatic LFG queue update, which means if the LFG is enabled in the config, you no longer need to use a GM command to update the queue and assemble groups, it will be done automagically.

Here’s a list of use cases that I’ve mostly implemented:

  • Joining / leaving queues for both specific and random dungeons
  • Assembling groups for those dungeons
  • Group ready check when a group is ready
  • Requeing the group if someone fails the ready check
  • Teleporting in and out of dungeons

There’s still tons of work (new features, more checks, constant refactoring) to be done, but it’s good for a hobby.

Either way, here’s a little video about queuing, ready checking, and teleporting: