Monthly Archives: March, 2023

Arcemu Python Engine (APE)

I’ve just pushed a new Arcemu scripting engine’s code (195 commits) to Arcemu’s main code repository.

Lately I’ve had to deal a lot with Python at work, and I thought it would be a nice experiment to add Python scripting support to Arcemu, so during last year’s Christmas I started implementing it.
To make this work first I had to get and compile Python with CMake and both Visual Studio 2010 as Arcemu still supports that.
I made my version of Python 3.4.10 separately available on my Github page as well, so if anyone would like to play around with that they can find it here:

After that I had to learn to both extend and embed Python. You can find some details about those in the official documentation of Python:

While this new Arcemu scripting engine is still experimental and not at all complete it can still be fun for others too. That’s why I decided to push it today.

The “release” if you will includes some sample Python scripts that I used for testing functionality that I implemented. You can find these here:

If you’d like to try make sure to set BUILD_PYTHONENGINE and INSTALL_EXAMPLE_PYTHON_SCRIPTS to True in CMake when building the code.
I will continue to extend it and will probably write about it more at a later time.

Until then have fun!