New linter integration plugins for KDevelop

Hi there!
I’ve just moved some linter integration plugins to the KDE infrastructure (scratch repos), therefore making them generally available.
They are fairly simple plugins, all 3 of them are alike in that they just run an external tool, and bring the results (the issues found) into KDevelop’s GUI. The found issues then will be in the problems toolview, in their own separate tab. The tools can check either a single file or all files in the project. You can see the workflow and configuration options in the videos included. There are also user’s manuals and tech manuals in the docs directories of each repo.

This plugin integrates Clang’s static code analysis feature, providing C/C++ static code analysis.

Git repository:

This plugin integrates a linter called Pylint, and as the name suggests it’s a Python code analyzer.

Git repository:

This plugin integrates a linter called JSHint, and as the name suggests it’s a Javascript code analyzer.

Git repository:

3 responses

  1. Unfortunately, JSHint is not Free Software. It is derived from JSLint and therefore inherits its non-Free license. We really need a JS linter plugin using one of the linters not derived from JSLint.

    1. Hi there Kevin!
      First of all, thanks for the feedback!
      Yes you are right! Others have also told me this, and also that major distributions wouldn’t include this plugin because of this, even if the plugin itself doesn’t contain any non-free code, just depend on a non-free package.
      Anyhow I’ll see what I can do!

  2. […] New linter integration plugins for KDevelop […]

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